Cooking With Trystan

These are little instructional videos of Trystan cooking. Yes, he is 3 years old so you can do it too!

How to cook perfect rice

Here’s the breakdown for perfect rice.

– Rice
– Water

1. Put equal levels of rice and water into the pot and cover. (height from the pot to the top of the rice is the same as the height from the top of the rice to the top of the water)

2. Put the pot on the stove at maximum heat.

3. Once the water reaches a boil (bubbles start forming on top and a gurgling sound can be heard), turn the heat to a minimum.

4. Wait for the water to boil out.  It will take between 20 to 30 minutes.  Here’s how you tell:
– Lower level of steam coming out of the top
– Gurgling noise turns into a hiss.
– The rice smells cooked (if the rice smells burnt then turn it off because it is).

French fries and priorities

Time management is just another way of saying task prioritization. It is about knowing what you will get done and what you won’t. The biggest part is placing names on the things that you do. Checking e-mail, chatting, updating your status on Facebook, cruising your newsfeed are some activities that we do not name, but end up taking our time. When we list out our priorities, we have to include these things on our list of things to prioritize.

With that said, as a working parent who wants to find fun ways for my kids to learn. One of the things on my priority list is giving the kids hands on learning experiences. I keep my eyes peeled for opportunities where I can take something on my priority list for the day and combine it with a way to teach the kids something fun. I love taking them grocery shopping because they learn about the process of picking fruits and vegetables, interacting with a cashier, and the value of money. Before going shopping, I make Trystan take out some money from his piggy bank so he can buy a treat. Hunting for those opportunities is one of the things that injects random fun into my day.

Yesterday, on our drive home from daycare, I asked Trystan what he wanted to eat for dinner. He replied, “I want French fries, ketchup and chicken nuggets Daddy.” “Well, we don’t have any French fries at home so we have to go to the store and buy some.”

At this moment, I remembered the potatoes in our pantry that were starting to go soft and I had a flashback to when I was a child and my mom cooked French fries with me and my brothers. Now I can teach the kids how to cut potatoes and show them how one of their favorite treats are made and at the same time, I don’t have to put them in front of the television while getting dinner ready.


How to deal with two babies

Almost two years ago, Zoey was born.  Shelly and I were in the nursery ward at Providence Saint Joseph and I was sitting on the couch which was also my makeshift bed from the night before.  Trystan was at a children’s party with Kayla.  Ben and Sheri took him when Shelly started going in to labor the day before.  Zoey was in her crib sleeping next to Shelly.  We were tired, happy and in awe of the new addition to our family.  I couldn’t stop looking at her.  After taking her out for some tests, they brought her back in with a little pink bow in her hair.  It was held on by a small drop of petroleum jelly.  This is one of the reasons we love this hospital so much; the amazing staff.

There was a knock at the door.  “Come in!”  Shelly said.  A Catholic nun walks into the room.  Everyday she makes her rounds in the hospital to read scripture and give communion to the patients.  We chatted with her for a few minutes before she continued on.  We learned something from her that day that we have lived by and I believe is what makes Trystan and Zoey’s relationship the way it is.

“Is this your first baby?” Sister asked.
“No, she has a big brother.”
“Let me give you some advice.  If both babies are crying, take care of the older one first.  The second one won’t remember anything, but the first one will and might hold it against the baby.”

So from that day on every time Zoey and Trystan would both need attention, it doesn’t matter which one started crying first, we would go to Trystan and make sure that he was taken care of.  About a year later, when both of them were in need of attention I went directly up to Trystan to see what he needed.  He saw me coming and stopped calling for me, instead he pointed and directed me to Zoey.  “Look Daddy!  Zoey is crying.”  Since then, little by little he began to look to her needs more and more.

Here is a heartwarming episode that just happened this morning.  Shelly had already left for work, Trystan and I finished breakfast, and Trystan was working on a homework assignment on his little table (yes, he already has homework at 3 years old).  I hear Zoey crying from the bedroom so I bring her to the dining room table to get her breakfast ready.  Trystan walks over and shows her his page of upper and lower case letter B’s and she smiles in approval.  He puts the paper back on the kiddie table, comes to the dining table and climbs on his chair.  He grabs a paring knife and about six strawberries and starts slicing the leaves off each one.  I wanted to capture him on video using a knife so I started filming.  After getting two good shots, I turn my camera off.  Then I hear him saying, “Here you go Zoey.” I glance back and catch him giving her all the strawberries that he had cut.  Then he takes his bowl of muesli and yogurt and splits it with her… Just when I thought the cuteness was over, he gets his step stool from the bathroom and brings it over to the kitchen sink.  He grabs his and Zoey’s cups, fills them with water and brings it to her at the table.

Well, Sister’s advice has worked amazingly for two.  Hopefully she will be at the hospital when baby #3 is delivered and she could tell us how to play Zone Defense.